Saturday, March 2, 2019

Border Crisis or Overacting?

In an editorial "The crisis at the border" written by Republican incumbent Roger Williams stands to show that he will and will do anything in support of President Trump and his extreme actions regarding border security. Make no mistake, Williams stated in his opinion forum that "I will always support Trump using any and all means necessary to secure the border." To me, I believe it is not that serious of a situation. Trump has embedded the idea into his fellow colleagues and millions of Americans that support his MAGA movement, that because of these criminals and delinquents who cross the border bring with them "chaos and destruction" they should not be allowed in. In my opinion, building a wall is unnecessary. Trump declaring a national emergency earlier in the year was unconstitutional in my point of view. Abusing his position of power, to nevertheless leave families that depend on every paycheck to survive and making government workers work with no pay. He is a clown, nothing more than a person that is feeding false information to the media about the severity of this situation. In Texas, I know for a fact that the majority does not face these types of problems, where minority groups and immigrants do not come to America to create problems, on the contrary, they run from their problems back home. Coming from a person, that was born and resided in Texas throughout my whole life, crime happens everywhere. Take school shootings as an extreme example, looking at the data, it shows that one of the worse crimes that can happen in America is done not by immigrants but citizens of our nation. Even though that was an extreme dilemma, it still proves the point that crime can happen no matter the race, ethnicity, or even gender. Anybody who supports this movement of building a wall is ignorant, it doesn't solve problems that are already residing in our country. Flint has no clean water, millions are still homeless, the lack of education is still present and we are worried about a wall. There are many more I haven't listed, take the time and actually contemplate if this is the right decision to make as a nation.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andrew, your points of view about ICE deportations within the state of Texas and your beliefs around the so-called “border crisis” are a relief to me. These POVs were featured in your blogs titled “Border Crisis or Overreacting” and “Blog 5.”

    You seem extremely passionate about both subjects, which is a trait that will prove helpful in fighting proponents of these ideas.

    What did I like especially about your writing? I like your leads into each subject. You introduced the topic and purpose of each blog very well and grabbed my attention. So, you are pulling the reader into the divisive subject matter with a fervent style of writing, usually backed by a hyperlink to your specific source. All of this gives the reader a full scope of what you are talking about and helps lead to an “a-ha moment.”

    Further, your discussion points in both blogs are especially solid: 1) that the President and this administration’s narrative around the “border crisis” is a negligent abuse of power and 2) that ICE has been detaining immigrants at an alarming rate, which often leads to the view of immigrants as “outlaws” “criminals” and “delinquents.”

    I believe that both situations create an environment of fear that is xenophobic. Further, both blog posts are especially timely and necessary in today’s political landscape.

    My only suggestions are to 1) improve your spacing between letters, words, paragraphs, and ideas to really organize the writing and the way it is laid out on the page and, to 2) perhaps include any statistical data or citations to further back your arguments. Yes, providing sources is especially helpful but often times you need to lay everything out for your reader and a couple of sprinkled statistics can really bring your case full circle.

    In closing, the rhetoric and execution of and around anti-immigrant policies need to be updated to reflect that they are dealing with HUMAN BEINGS. There are several phrases that are associated with America, the Great, but one is emblazoned on the commemorative plaque at the Statue of Liberty. It captures what our country was founded on, as a mixing and melting pot of peoples. It reads, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

    Does the current administration understand this poem was written to shape this idea of America as a welcoming mother and a great nation made of and on the backs of immigrants? I DOUBT IT!
